Monday, June 24, 2013


This was in response to asking his suggestion  on a lesson-

To start off  there is this lesson we like to do with people that are less active and it is a Sunday sundae haha. What you do is you have the bowl and say k this is your sundae now you need to fill it with things to do so you go to sacrament and put a scoop of chocolate in then you go to Sunday school and put a scoop of vanilla in then you go to priesthood or whatever class you go to then you put strawberry in (keep in mind you can use whatever flavor you want) then you read your scriptures and put some chocolate fudge on then you take a nap and put caramel on. Then you pray and then you put sprinkles on then you watch the football game then you put mustard on and you go to the store and then you put ketchup on it. You then talk about how mustard and ketchup would go great on a hotdog or hamburger which could be Monday or Saturday, but not on Sunday.  Yeah we really like that because we get ice cream haha.  So anyway about the training it is really cool because they talked about how they don’t want us tracting and that is exactly what me and elder O’Neill have been trying to do.  We are setting up a program in our ward so that we teach everyone  in the ward what and how to teach so that when they have a chance to bring something up they will be able to do it then be able to bring their friends in to the church.  My comp and I are thinking that we will be starting the new technology stuff pretty soon because we are getting a new mission president and we think they have been training them on it. whelp everything is going really good we spoke in one ward yesterday then the other bishop found out and asked us to speak this next week in his ward. I think I’m going to talk about the talk obedience brings blessings. We haven’t been teaching that much because we are really trying to get these programs going, but we think they will jump forward and fast so that we can be teaching a ton. Elder O’Neill is great he has been teaching me so much. this last week we helped someone move and it was a guy that was a professor at byu so we were hoping that we would get full rides for helping him, ;) but nope haha he said he was going to put in a good word for us to the new mission President miller for us because he was going to be at the training haha welp hope you have a great week. I love you so much
Love, Elder Fenner

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